In a heartening initiative aimed at nurturing young talents, the Raigarh district in India recently hosted a three-day skill development camp for nearly 300 primary school students. Under the guidance of District Collector Kartikeya Goyal and District Panchayat CEO Jitendra Yadav, students from 14 PM Shri Primary Schools gathered at Natwar Government English School in Raigarh to explore 29 unique skills through hands-on learning sessions.
Hands-On Learning: From Technology to Traditional Arts
The camp featured an engaging curriculum, tailored by educational experts, that spanned both digital skills and traditional arts. Under the guidance of Assistant District Nodal Officer Alok Swarnakar, students explored activities like mobile media, computer-based research, clay art, paper cutting, artificial jewelry making, and advanced language skills. They also learned practical techniques to memorize multiplication tables, problem-solve math equations, and engage in math-based games. These sessions aimed to make learning both enjoyable and impactful, allowing students to discover new ways to apply their academic knowledge.
Local experts, including art instructors Soma Das, Shyam Narayan Shrivastava, and Manoj Shrivastava, added a unique touch by offering classes in visual arts, line painting, and creative expression. Each evening, cultural programs encouraged students to showcase their hidden talents on stage, fostering a sense of confidence and easing performance anxieties. Students and their mentors alike joined with enthusiasm, celebrating achievements and connecting over shared interests.
A Holistic Approach to Student Development
The camp aligns with the goals of PM Shri Schools to provide well-rounded education that fosters academic, social, and cultural growth. Addressing students and teachers on the final day, DMC Narendra Choudhary emphasized the importance of holistic development, aiming to equip students with skills beyond the classroom that can help them succeed as engaged and responsible citizens. Choudhary also presented certificates, uniforms, and mementos to the students, celebrating their accomplishments and recognizing their dedication to learning.
Building a Foundation for Future Success
This three-day camp exemplifies a proactive approach to education, transforming learning into an engaging and empowering experience for young students in India. With community support and structured guidance, Raigarh’s PM Shri Primary Schools are working to shape capable, confident students who are prepared to succeed both academically and in the world beyond.
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